Mai jos puteti utiliza formularul de contact pentru a exprima opinii, idei si intrebari pe care mi le puteti trimite imediat. Sunteti rugati sa pastrati un limbaj academic si calm, nici un fel de abatere de la o atitudine si un limbaj amical nu va fi tolerată.
Imi rezerv dreptul de a sterge/edita comentariile care depasesc limitele limbajului civilizat, comit atacuri la persoana precum si comentariile cu tenta antisociala, caracter rasist sau xenofob. Comentatorii ce nu respecta conditile mai sus mentionate vor fi tratati ca atare.
Dennis a zis
I just wanted to reach out and say that I really liked your site Alex Poa. I found it to be very helpful and valuable for people interested in entrepreneurial self-development. I have noticed that you have linked to other language resource sites and thought my website might be of interest to you and your website visitors.
My name is Dennis and I am representative of Preply, an online learning platform that brings tutors and students online for study via Skype. We have over 10,000 tutors teaching English, French, Spanish and other languages on our website and they are always willing to take on more students. I hope we can do a reciprocal link exchange with you by placing our logo on your webpage in return we will place your logo on our partner page for mutual promotion. This way you can reach up to 1,000,000 visitors that visit our pages every month and we can make Preply name well known as a premier source of learning languages. Let me know if you have any questions and I’d be more than happy to answer them.
Dennis Baklan
Outreach Specialist
Alex Popa a zis
Of course Denis, I’d love for us to colaborate even further if you’d like that… I will give your site a review, I hope soon.
Silviu a zis
e foarte tare!
Alex Popa a zis
Mulțumesc mult pentru comentariu, Silviu!
Marius a zis
foarte interesant blogul tau. Ar trebui sa aranjezi mai bine in pagina contentul pentru a fi mai usor de citit. Spor
Alex Popa a zis
Îț mulțumesc, Marus! Bună idee.